SUAI (International Business, docent)
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to one of the most popular trends in the development of franchising in the world and in Russia — regional franchising. Today, the regional expansion of franchising is proceeding at an accelerated pace, building up its development potential with each new enterprise. Distribution of networks in the regions is also supported by the ever-growing popularity of chain stores, which allows Russian brands to significantly expand their sphere of influence by opening franchising points in cities remote from the capital cities. The authors presented a comprehensive model for the development of international franchising, where the regional aspects of network expansion play a leading role. In addition, an analysis is carried out and the results of the development of regional franchising in Russia are presented, which show the rapid development of this type of business as one of the winning areas in a crisis. Statistical data on the growth of franchising over the past 10 years, as well as ratings of leading companies that have chosen franchising as the main focus of their activity, are presented.
regional franchising, master-franchisee, subfranchising, region, structure of Russian franchising, rating of Russian regions
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4. Reyting social'no-ekonomicheskogo polozheniya regionov – 2019. URL: https://riarating.ru/infografika/20190604/630126280.html
5. Portal o razvitii franchayzinga v Rossii. URL: www.Franshiza.ru
6. Franchayzing v Rossii. Karta novogo vremeni. URL: https://status-media.com/biznes/franchajzing-v-rossii-karta-novogo-vremeni/
7. 10 trendov franchayzinga za poslednie 10 let // Enciklopediya rossiyskogo biznesa. URL: https://www.openbusiness.ru/encyclopedia-of-franchising/franchising/10-trendov-franchayzinga-za-poslednie-10-let/
8. Vygodnee vklada. Pochemu Peterburg prevraschaetsya v centr franchayzinga. URL: https://www.rbc.ru/spb_sz/06/12/2018/5c08e1b49a7947525d4ea537
9. TOP-50 samyh vostrebovannyh franshiz v 2018 godu. URL: www.rbk.ru
10. Franchayzing v regionah: prognozy, trendy, mneniya. URL: https://www.buybrand.ru/articles/11094