Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the institutional and legal instruments of state support for competition in the market of medical services in the Krasnodar region. The assessment of the state of the competitive environment in the market of medical services of the region by business entities in order to identify administrative and economic barriers that limit healthy competition in the market of medical services, offers to eliminate restrictions. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of the competitive environment in the market of medical services of the Krasnodar region by business entities in order to identify administrative and economic barriers that limit healthy competition in the market of medical services, to present proposals for their elimination of restrictions. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: • to consider the institutional mechanisms that stimulate the development of competition in the market of medical services in the Krasnodar region; • to assess the state of the competitive environment in the market of medical services in the region based on the results of surveys of business entities; • identify administrative and economic barriers that limit healthy competition in the market of medical services in the region; • submit proposals to eliminate restrictions on the market of medical services in the Krasnodar region. When compiling a review of literature sources on the research topic, the method of content analysis was used. Analytical results of monitoring the state of the competitive environment in the market of medical services in the Krasnodar region were obtained using statistical and sociological research methods-a survey and survey of entrepreneurs. The results obtained during the research will be useful in the development of strategic documents and initiatives in the field of state support for competition in the market of medical services in the Krasnodar region.

Krasnodar territory, competition, competitive environment, medical services market, state support for competition, business entities, administrative and economic barriers

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