employee from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2019
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The purpose of this article is to analyze existing approaches to forecasting the demand for industrial products, as well as to identify their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that it is necessary to use a combined approach to forecasting demand for industrial products, which will increase the accuracy of the forecast and reduce the risk of non-fulfillment of customer orders. Based on the results of the study, a methodological approach to forecasting the demand for industrial products in the conditions of uncertain market environment is formed on the basis of the separation of commodity positions by level of profitability and the degree of risk of non-fulfillment of the order. The article is of interest to managers of industrial enterprises, economists specializing in the study of problems of demand management in the face of market uncertainty.
demand forecasting, uncertainty of the market environment, risk of order non-fulfillment, classification, forecast accuracy
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