The examination of the wound process in 140 patients after the alloplasty, according to the standard method «on-lay» and developed method with the use of the flaps of the hernial sac was carried out. All patients were divided into 2 groups. The main group was consisted of the patients treated by the developed method using the flaps of the hernial sac, the control group of patients – by means of the standard method «on-lay». According to the data of the cytological study of the exudates in the both groups it has been found that the flaps of the hernial sac situated in the subprosthetic space contribute to the high content of the cells having the macrophage activity (neutrophils, macrophagocytes) in the surgical intervention field. In the main group, the mean volume of the secretion was 113ml, it was in 2 times less than the volume of the serous drainage in the patients of the control group. Decrease of the exudates volume in the main group influenced to the drainage terms (3 days average) and to the hospital stay (as many as 8 bed-days average). The absence of the infectious complications in the patients treated by method with the use of the hernial sac flaps is explained by the effective activity of the cells immunity factors in the wound.
wound process, alloplasty, prophylaxis
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