VAC 06.04.2001 Рыбное хозяйство и аквакультура
VAC 08.00.00 Экономика
Quantitative regularities in the formation of mussel harvest (B) on various types of artificial substrates are investigated for four substrates, varying by the collector area (S) per 1 linear meter: 0,09, 0,21, 0,34 and 0,55 sq. m. The results of mollusk cultivation on the collectors with various artificial substrate areas have shown that the dynamics of biomass (B) depends on the time of cultivation (t) and can be described by a logistic equation: Bt = B st/(1 - eb-kt). A relation between a harvest and a collector area has been identified, and this relation is approximated by a power function: B = 2,62 S1,25. It is shown that the harvest formation is mediated through the intraspecific competition for artificial substrate (life space), which is fulfilled through self-thinning; as a result, the population ends up in the state of dynamic equilibrium that corresponds to “ecological capacity” of a collector.
mussel, collectors, substrate, dynamics, abundance, biomass, growth, elimination
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