The clinical and neuropsychological examination of 78 victims after suffering mine explosive wounds (MEW), which included 75 men and 3 women, was carried out. The 1st group consisted of the patients with MEW in combination with traumatic brain injury mild and accompanying complications – 51 (65,4%) patients; the 2nd group was the patients with MEW with peripheral lesion (limb amputation) – 27 (34,6%) patients. The basic number of patients were age 30-40 years (69,2%). The study identified the neurological changes that showed by the manifestation of brain syndrome, cerebral symptomatic, epilepsy syndromes, vegetative dystonia syndrome and its combinations. Average number of associated symptoms of vegetative dysfunction in the patients of the 1st and 2nd groups were significantly (p<0,05) higher relative to the control group. The authors note that the study of the vegetative nervous system identified supra-segmental disorders differed by poly-consistency and a high degree of expressiveness of vegetative dysfunction, with a significant (p<0,05) difference from the parameters of the control group. Disorders in the mental sphere and the failure of adaptation mechanisms in the form of increase of the level of fear and anxiety were identified. The most pronounced changes were observed in patients with MEW and brain injury. Identified dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in most cases led to an increased risk of desadaptation, which further intensified manifestations of psychopathological disorders.
mine-explosive wound, anxiety, depression, asthenia.
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