This article presents the analysis of the dynamics of primary morbidity and prevalence of psychic disorders among the adult and children´s population of the Republic of Mordovia, according to registration form № 12 “Information about diseases, registered on the territory medical service organization" and to registration form № 30, "Information on the activities of the hospital". The list of possible causes and regularities of the dynamics of mental morbidity was identified. It is established that the level of mental disorders of non-psychotic character from 2007 to 2011, is higher by 1.5 times in the region than the average for the Russian Federation. There are breaches of the principle of continuity of outpatient and inpatient psychiatric services. The number of patients with first time diagnosed mental illness, taken on clinical supervision in the Republic of Mordovia, is lower by 2 times than in Russia on average. The authors note that the high level of neurotic in the region indicates a social determinism of non-psychotic mental disorders.
mental illness, morbidity, hospitalization.
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