To early diagnose the signs of cerebral diabetic angiopathy the complex clinical, laboratory and instrumental study of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus type was carried out. The comparative analysis of the main statistical indicators between the patients with diabetes type 2 without arterial hypertension and the group of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy without diabetes was made. Neurological symptoms are revealed statistically significantly more frequently and are typical for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The authors determined the average time and have identified biochemical predictors of lesions of the vascular wall of cerebral arteries in di-abetes mellitus type 2 without concomitant hypertension. Association between duration of diabetes, changes in ultrasonic indices PI and RI in the development of vascular complications was established. The authors identified a direct correlation between the index values of PI in ICA (r=0.52, p=0.04) and RI in MCA (r=0.58, p=0.03) and the degree of destruction of the white matter of the brain MRI. The authors noted the necessary to normalize lipid ex-change, fibrinogen and possibilities of ultrasonic Doppler-graphy in the early diagnosis of microangiopathy in pa-tients with diabetes mellitus for the prevention of vascular complications.
type 2 diabetes, cerebral microangiopathy, Doppler ultrasound, atherosclerosis, dislipoproteinemia, fibrinogen
Введение. Сахарный диабет 2 типа (СД2) представляет собой серьезную медико-социальную проблему, что обусловлено его высокой распространенностью, сохраняющейся тенденцией к росту числа больных, хроническим течением, определяющим кумулятивный характер заболевания, высокой инвалидизацией больных ввиду развития многочисленных макро- и микрососудистых осложнений и необходимостью создания системы специализированной помощи.
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