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Abstract (English):
The heart beat rate and arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) in the freedivers, basketball players and athletes were investigated at the maximum time of breath holding in a situation of the rest, under increasing stress during work on a cycle ergometer and at the interrupted breath holdings in the course of work on the cycle ergometer with a constant load. The free divers hold their breath for a longer time than the bas-ketball players and athletes. The free divers physical endurance was higher than endurance of the basketball players and athletes at the inter-rupted breath-holdings in the course of work on the cycle ergometer. The breath holding at rest was accompanied by a decrease in the heart beat rate and SpO2 in the free-divers and basketball players. The examinees heart beat rate increased at the physical work on a cycle ergo-meter without breath-holdings. The heart beat rate greatest increase was in the basketball players. The SpO2 had a tendency to reduce. The SpO2 in the free-divers and basketball players declined at the interrupted breath-holdings in the course of work on the cycle ergometer. The athletes SpO2 did not alter. While the free-divers heart beat rate decreased, and the basketball and athletes heart beat rate had a tendency to increase. Consequently the free divers had high capacity for work and high resistance to hypoxia. The basketball players have high capacity for work and low resistance to hypoxia. The athletes have low efficiency and lacked resistance to hypoxia.

free diver, breath holding, hypoxia, heart beat rate, arterial oxygen saturation

Фридайвинг – новый, динамически развивающийся вид спорта. Он привлекает к себе не только первоклассных спортсменов, но и начинающих ныряльщиков, которые видят в нем способ укрепления здоровья и устранения последствий эмоционального стресса.


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