In recent decades there have been significant changes in the clinic of infectious endocarditis. In the presented scientific review detailed analysis of the current characteristics of the clinic and diagnosis is carried out. There is a growing incidence worldwide. Persons of elderly and senile age began to hurt more. According to the latest data, both in Western countries and in Russia to first place in the etiologic structure of infective endocarditis is Staphylococcus aureus. Modern disease is characterized by further increase in the frequency of primary infective endocarditis caused by unmodified heart valves. The septic forms of the disease began to meet less frequently, im-mune pathological manifestations of the disease are observed more often. The classic clinical picture is revealed not always, atypical forms of the disease, the cases of myocardium failure in the patients with infectious endocarditis are detected often. Thromboembolic complications still are among the most frequent and severe complications of infective endocarditis and its have a tremendous impact on his forecast. Recently come to the forefront of cerebral thromboembolic complications. Relapsing course of the disease is more common. The frequency of infective endo-carditis with damage to the valves of the right heart increases. Thus, timely diagnosis of infective endocarditis re-mains a topical problem of modern clinical medicine. The authors conclude that it is necessary to carry out further research in this direction.
modern infective endocarditis, clinic, diagnosis
Введение. Инфекционный эндокардит (ИЭ) – заболевание, характерные признаки которого известны в течение многих веков. Тем не менее до настоящего времени существуют проблемы, связанные с его диаг-ностикой и лечением. ИЭ поражает, главным образом, клапаны сердца и приводит к их локальному разру-шению с формированием регургитации. Наиболее грозное экстракардиальное осложнение – эмболия, осо-бенно артерий головного мозга. Диагноз устанавливают на основании:
1. положительного результата посева крови;
2. обнаружения вегетаций при эхокардиографическом исследовании.
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