Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It is impossible to work effi ciently in the hospitality industry, ensure high occupancy of rooms, provide highquality hotel services without professional and loyal staff at the hotel, as hotel employees are one of the components of a hotel product. Therefore, almost every hotel has the task of organizing such a personnel management mechanism that would increase the loyalty of employees, intensify their activities aimed at improving the effi ciency of the hotel. The article considers the peculiarities of the personnel policy in the hospitality sector, presents all groups of material and moral factors that motivate staff to increase the effi ciency of work in a hotel, and also highlights the industry’s main problem — staff turnover on linear positions in hotels. To increase employee loyalty, international hotel operators are actively using privilege programs for their employees. The article analyzes privilege programs for employees of three large hotel operators and, based on a survey of employees of a large Moscow hotel, it is revealed that the privilege program used in the hotel has a number of signifi cant shortcomings and is not a decisive factor in building staff loyalty to the hotel. The article shows that currently for hotels the availability of loyal employees is not so much relevant as it is necessary and expedient to direct the eff orts of the personnel policy to increase the activity of employees, increase their involvement in the company. For this, the authors recommend hotels to use the following various mechanisms and methods: the formation of groups / collectives (project groups) to solve the tasks; targeted management using a variety of personnel control and coordination tools; staff rotation with a change in the nature and content of work; empowerment of employees to eliminate the monotony of labor; organization of a system of continuous training for employees; the use of a variety of material incentive systems.

hotel company, personnel policy, staff motivation, staff loyalty, staff privilege program, staff involvement

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