Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Reforestation is the main, priority task of the modern forest complex. Natural forest regeneration has long been considered a priority. Natural regeneration, as a way of reforestation, has a number of significant drawbacks. Firstly, the natural regeneration of forests in burned areas and deforestation does not occur immediately after deforestation, but over a fairly long time ̶ reforestation period, during which various unfavorable processes ̶ soil erosion, sodding develop on an unforested area. Secondly, natural renewal quite often leads to a change of species, i.e. desired valuable breeds do not grow. As a result, the territory is overgrown with minor soft-leaved species that have low economic value. Mechanized landing, i.e. artificial reforestation, also has a number of disadvantages. Therefore, planting operations carried out under various conditions are the most labor-intensive and responsible operations. The technological process of planting seedlings and seedlings of various tree species with both open and closed root systems is presented. The analysis of existing designs of forest planting machines for open areas, fires and clearings is carried out. Deficiencies were identified that affect the quality of the planting process and reduce the survival rate of planted seedlings and seedlings.
tree-planting machine, reforestation, seedlings, opener
Леса занимают около 30 % территории земной суши, являясь самыми ценными естественными природными ресурсами из всех типов растительного покрова на планете. Леса являются центральным звеном сохранения природы, позволяют регулировать большинство протекающих в ней процессов. Лес это природная основа, которая способствует выживанию человечества [1].
В настоящее время наблюдается резкое сокращение площади лесов на планете, вызванное как природными катаклизмами, так и человеческим фактором. Поэтому основной задачей государственного управления в сфере производства лесов является обеспечение баланса темпов выбытия и восстановления лесов [2, 3].
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