The article considers the correspondence of the actual working conditions with the normative indicators for the workplace of the electric gas welder.
gas electric welder, working conditions, standard, indicator, class of working conditions.
1. Ustav obschestva s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost'yu «Olimp».
2. Normativnye dokumenty o provedenii special'noy ocenki usloviy truda (dogovora, obschie polozheniya, instrukcii).
3. GN «Predel'no dopustimye koncentracii (PDK) vrednyh veschestv v vozduhe rabochey zony. Gigienicheskie normativy».
4. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie pravila i normativy SanPiN «Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie trebovaniya k fizicheskim faktoram na rabochih mestah».
5. Rukovodstvo R 2.2.2006-05 «Rukovodstvo po gigienicheskoy ocenke faktorov rabochey sredy i trudovogo processa. Kriterii i klassifikacii usloviy truda» (utv. Glavnym gosudarstvennym sanitarnym vrachom RF 29 iyulya 2005 g.)