Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the potential of Dagestan aquaculture (with trout as case study) to increase the level of social and economic development of rural areas of the republic. An economic analysis of the prospects for the development of forestry was carried out taking into account the territorial features of the Republic of Dagestan. The study shows that the socio-economic effect of the trout farming development in Dagestan can be considered as particularly significant. Its successful implementation will accelerate the solution of the following problems of the republic: - Increase of self-sufficiency of the population, fish products of own production, with fresh and high quality; - Increased consumption of fish products per capita, especially in rural areas; - Expansion of the tax base and increase of cash receipts, in the form of taxes and other payments to the budget and extrabudgetary funds at all levels; - Creation of a significant number of new jobs in rural areas and, as a result, the reduction of rural migration to urban areas; - The revival of fish processing plants; - Increased production of environmentally friendly food products in the region. The results of the study can be used in the development of the Rural Development Strategy of the region. Sustainable and large-scale development of aquaculture (fish farming) will bring the economy of the area to a higher level and make a significant contribution to improving the well-being of the rural population of the Republic of Dagestan.

commodity forefarm, socio-economic efficiency

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