Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To analize radiation situation in the vicinity of mine number one of the Lermontov Production Association “Almaz” in the areas of the public residence and economic activities. Material and methods: During the study, methods of pedestrian gamma surveys with a portable spectrometric complex MKS-01A “Multirad-M” and short-term measurements of radon equivalent equilibrium concentration with aerosol alpha radiometer RAA-20P2 “Poisk” were used. Results: Along the main roads used by the population for walks and rest, the values of the gamma ambient dose equivalent rate vary within the range between 0.10 and 0.86 μSv/h. Local areas with excess of the remediation criterion (0.6 μSv / h), established by the Sanitary Rules for elimination, conservation and changing functions of facilities for radioactive ore mining and milling (SP LKP-91), are located on the ascent of Beshtau Mountain from the side of the Town of Pyatigorsk (near tunnels and dumps). Along other routes, the remediation criteria are met. External effective doses to the population in a single passage of the routes vary from 1.0 to 1.6 µSv. The highest contribution to the dose from manmade radiation does not exceed 30 %. The highest external doses (4.3 μSv at the contribution of manmade radiation about 70 %) can be realized when resting near the most contaminated parts of the dumps or tunnel mouths. The equivalent equilibrium concentrations of radon progenies in air along the routes did not exceed 60 Bq/m3. The effective internal dose due to inhalation intake of radon and its progenies will not exceed 3 μSv when single passing routes. Conclusions: In the main areas of the residence and economic activity of the population in the vicinity of mine number 1 , the radiation situation at some locations does not comply with the requirements of the SP LKP-9, however, it does not pose a threat to public health.

natural radionuclides, inhalation intake, tailing dumps, uranium mining and milling facility, effective dose

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