Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on cross-sectional data, the relationships between labor productivity, socio-economic factors and innovative factors in the Russian regions are estimated. It is established that the development trends of the country's economy are contradictory. The spread of higher and secondary vocational education in the regions, the number of university students do not have a significant impact on labor productivity, the number of university faculty, graduate and doctoral students have a negative impact on labor productivity, which contradicts the conditions for the development of a post-industrial economy. The absence of the influence of the release of new goods, the positive effect on labor productivity of income inequality, the negative impact of the export of machinery and equipment, the reduction of the influence of advanced production technologies, the export of technologies and technical services, the import of technologies and technical services indicate the development of an industrial economy. The positive effect on the productivity of foreign investment, the saturation of enterprises and organizations with computers, including Internet access, the number of personnel engaged in research and development, the growing influence of the number of staff with advanced degrees, and the import of machinery and equipment indicate that the country and some trends in the development of the new economy. The discovered positive effect of inflation on labor productivity of inflation, and the growing effect of inflation on the market for industrial goods, indicates problems in monetary policy.

productivity, socio-economic, innovative factors, industrial economy, post-industrial economy

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