A characteristic feature of the current stage of economic development is an increase in current consumption by households while reducing their savings. This is a peculiar phenomenon of the Russian practice of economic development. Since this transition is an indicator of a steadily developing economic environment. However, the current inflationary processes in the Russian economy and the instability of the national currency have a negative impact on the dynamics of monetary incomes of the population and their forced departure from the savings model. In order to meet current needs and purchase necessary goods and services, Russians are increasingly using credit funds, whose interest rates are currently characterized by a downward trend. However, the expansion of the purchasing power of the population at the expense of credit funds leads to an increase in the risk of non-return and the decline in the solvency citizens. The article analyzes the dynamics of the volume and structure of consumer lending for the period 2016–2019. The article analyzes changes in loan rates, the volume of overdue debt, and regional features of lending to the country’s population.
consumer loans, cash income, interest rates, overdue debt, lending
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