Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines aspects of the implementation of the Russian economy scientific and technological potential from a systematic point of view. The authors proceed from the hypothesis that the low competitiveness of the Russian economy is determined by the profile of its innovation system. The article examines the dynamics of innovation activity costs and analyzes the reasons for the continuing decline in innovation activity that characterizes the current economic situation in Russia. Economic activity at each level will only be a determinant of the innovation development mechanism when it is aimed at creating and implementing new developments in order to generate higher revenues than those that provided the innovation development. It is pointed out that economic policy focused on building national competitive advantages is inseparable from creating a national innovation system. Ways of influence of innovative activity on the solution of social and economic problems are given. The author substantiates the socio-economic conditions necessary for the innovative development of regions. The importance of exports and the development of the enterprise's export potential for the transition to the phase of active structural transformations is evaluated. It is concluded that the formation of the national innovation system requires a balance of scientific and technical potential built into the framework of the state – industry – region – enterprise.

: innovation, investment, competitiveness, national innovation system, export potential, global economy

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