graduate student
Dental clinic "Elite" (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry with the course of ICPE dentist-therapist)
Ufa, Kazan, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
Nagariya, Israel
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Subject. This review presents a modern literature review on the clinical manifestations of severe autoimmune disease — pemphigus vulgaris, chronic genetic determinate dermatosis — by the example of epidermolysis bullosa, dermatosis — lichen planus, acute immuno-mediated disease — multiforme exudative erythema. The goal is to conduct a systematic analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature to determine some features of the clinical manifestations of chronic dermatoses with lesions of the oral mucosa. Methodology. A review of the studies allows us to consider the etiology and pathogenesis of the development of these nosologies, approaches to modern classification, as well as an analysis of their clinical features with an emphasis on differential diagnosis. Results. It was noted that with combined damage to the skin and oral mucosa, the diagnosis of these dermatoses in patients does not present any particular difficulties. However, the significance of determining pathognomonic signs of damage to the oral mucosa with a particular dermatosis increases significantly with an isolated lesion of the oral mucosa, and when it is the primary and only manifestation of skin disease. Conclusions. Undoubtedly, the principle of continuity of the interested specialties among which are undoubted - dermatovenerologists, dentists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, neuropsychiatrists, has great prospects in both diagnosis and complex treatment. Nevertheless, for their widespread use, the local and general treatment of these patients needs to be verified, solving urgent problems of introducing and adapting modern technologies for rapid prototyping them into practical healthcare, which together will allow significant progress in their diagnosis and prevention.
dermatoses, oral mucosa, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
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