Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2008 until now
Tyumen', Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Subject. The prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases among elderly people, regardless of their gender, ranges from 69 to 98 % worldwide. Periodontitis is a chronic bacterial disease that proceeds with intoxication of the body, thereby causing serious health problems. It has been proven that periodontitis can cause myocardial infarction and habitual miscarriage. Local and systemic treatment of diseases of this pathology is primarily aimed at suppressing pathogenic bacteria. It is obvious that, in the conditions of total antibiotic resistance of microorganisms and a considerable list of contraindications and complications of the antibiotic therapy, the search for new ways to combat them becomes vital. The main thing is that antibiotics disrupt the biological balance of the biopsy of the body which the patient has to restore from several months to several years. Under these conditions, the use of bacteriophages is an extremely promising solution. Bacteriophages are natural antimicrobial highly sensitive medications. They consist of viruses that target a bacterial cell. In these circumstances, bacteriophages do not harm the microbiota of the oral cavity. A literature review on the use of bacteriophages in dentistry for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues has been conducted by us. The mechanism of action of bacteriophages, the strengths and weaknesses of the use of phage therapy have also been considered. Goal ― to study the use of bacteriophages for the treatment of patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases. Methodology. The literature review of more than 40 scientific sources has been conducted. Conclusion. The use of bacteriophages is a promising issue. Their effectiveness has been confirmed in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory periodontal diseases and diseases of the oral mucosa. They demonstrate high efficiency to improve the hygiene of the oral cavity and reduce inflammation. Being highly targeted viral medications, they act upon a specific bacterium without affecting the natural microbiota of a person.
treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontopathogens, bacteriophages
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