Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present article considers the correlation of two key categories of human economic behavior: needs and values. As the socio-cultural attitudes of modern society change, values become the main reference point of the individual, and the ways the person chooses to realize his or her needs characterize the formation of value orientations and stereotypes of human behavior. From the point of view of development of various consumption models, the axiological attitude to goods and services is undergoing a transformation. The vector of transformation depends on how this process is reflected by human consciousness. The way one chooses to satisfy his or her needs depends on the prevailing value stereotypes in one’s economic behavior. The formation of needs and their assessment are determined by the economic reality and the socio-cultural environment. A person has the right to determine the trajectory of their economic behavior, as long as it is legal and conscious, both in the technological and economic sense. From the point of view of the subject of activity and consumption, a person is a reflection of social identity, due to the socio-cultural environment, limited by a certain awareness and understanding of the quality of life. The author focuses on the fact that certain negative socio-cultural practices caused by inefficient and problematic activities of state institutions result increase irresponsible behavior, legal nihilism, unjustified tolerance and / or zero tolerance, as well as the transformation of value stereotypes.

values, economic behavior, activity, transformation, motive
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