Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on the inclusion of the external image of a person in communication practices. The authors study variants of art activities aimed at adapting the existing external image of a person to various socio-cultural situations. Communicative practices of using art design in shaping the external image of a person are positioned as" flexible " image models recommended for communication in different communities. The external image of a person is considered as a means that provides instant information exchange between communicants of various social groups. The visual components of the external image of a person that affect the translation of socio-cultural information, such as clothing and hairstyle, are indicated. The methods of art design in modern culture are defined as creative, contributing to the formation of a visual image that participates in the unification of social groups. It is established that the methods of art design, in the context of designing the external image of a person, affect the purposeful formation and adaptation of an image that translates belonging to a social group. Based on the results of the research, recommendations are presented for the choice of art design methods in the process of designing the external image of a person, taking into account the communication goals of representatives of different social groups.

communication practices; art design; methods; design; external image of a person; socio-cultural communication; visualization

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