Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The aim of the study is to analyze the technology of conducting interviews by competencies. The article considers the goals and objectives of the interviewer, formulates the basic requirements for the personnel assessment system when hiring. It is noted that the evaluating interviewer should be familiar with the content of competencies and their indicators. Recommendations are given on the number of competencies evaluated and the duration of the interview. A hiring interview plan has been formulated to obtain and evaluate specific information on the required competencies. Concrete examples of real working situations, the procedure for maintaining records are given. Focuses on privacy issues. An example of a form for recording the results of the final interview is given. The principles for assessing a candidate are listed. The scale of expressiveness of indicators of competencies, a scale for assessing the level of expressiveness of competencies is presented. The maximum possible number of positive manifestations of indicators in competence is determined. A formula is recommended for calculating the percentage of positive manifestations following an interview. In conclusion, the components of the universal competency model are formulated.
competencies, assessment, staff, interviews, management, indicators
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