, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the national mentality as a factor of intercultural communication. The authors highlight such aspects as the relationship between mentality and ethical and religious teachings on the example of China, and also emphasize the complex structure of these concepts. The article reveals how certain provisions of Confucianism affect the formation of certain mental features and how they, in turn, are manifested in the process of intercultural communication. The article considers the essence of such concepts as “globalization”, “mentality”, “intercultural communication”, “macro-and microsphere of intercultural communication”, “cultural shock”. The article focuses on the consequences of globalization for the modern communication process. The article emphasizes the practical significance and relevance of the problem under consideration, since understanding the mental national characteristics and taking them into account is a necessary factor for successful intercultural communication at all levels.
globalization, mentality, intercultural communication, macroand microsphere of intercultural communication, cultural shock, Confucianism
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