As a part of the study, an analysis of Russian and international experience in the transfer of digital technologies to agriculture was carried out. It allowed the authors to generalize the prerequisites for the transition of the industry to digital form, highlight the problems that impede its transformation, and formulate the basic requirements for the digital environment. It is shown that the process of introducing digital technologies into agriculture should not be limited only to technological re-equipment of the production sphere. It is necessary to strike a balance between the constantly growing level of domestic demand for qualified personnel and the quality of professional skills and competencies of agricultural workers in high technology. It is concluded that in the context of the transition from the traditional model to the “digital” one, it is necessary to ensure a continuous increase in investment in education, to make changes in the structure of specialties of higher educational institutions in the agricultural field, and to bring the subject area of research projects in the field of ICT as close as possible to goals and objectives facing the real sector of the economy.
agriculture, competitiveness, digital economy, labor productivity, training system, human capital
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