graduate student from 01.01.2016 to 01.01.2020
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
OKSO 38.06.01 Экономика
Currently, the market of financial instruments is quite developed. Traditional financial instruments prevail on the Russian market, while derivatives of these financial instruments (options, futures, forwards, bills, etc.) are faintly developed. The reason for this situation is that few participants in the financial market can correctly evaluate financial products. Scientific researchers and large companies use different methods of estimating the value of financial instruments in making strategic investment decisions, since incorrect calculations can be irreparable. Therefore, it is important to apply the appropriate pricing methodology to various derivative financial instruments. The topic of derivative financial instruments in terms of scientific and theoretical aspects has been worked out in sufficient volume, but as for the pricing of these instruments, there are some gaps. There is still no method for pricing derivatives that would allow you to accurately assess the value of financial instruments for subsequent effective investment decisions. In this article considers the methodology of pricing of derivative financial instruments using the Black-Scholes model and the Monte Carlo method. The presented estimation methods allow us to calculate the range of price values that allows us to provide the most accurate expected results.
derivatives, options, pricing, black-Scholes model, Monte Carlo method, investments, risk hedging
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