Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Preparation and implementation of measures to reduce radiation doses to personnel of enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of uranium-containing ores, and the population of the territories adjacent to uranium deposits, require an increase in the accuracy of estimates of absorbed and effective doses to the personnel of enterprises and the population with the inhalation of radon and its progeny. This can only be done by taking into account the contribution of the aerosol-unattached fraction of the radon decay progeny to the effective and absorbed radiation doses, which are evaluated on the basis of direct measurements. Alpha spectrometer SAT-03 – a means of measurement of the third generation, has been developed in the Research Institute of Industry and Maritime Medicine for these purposes. Widespread domestic radiometers of the previous generation (RAA-10, RRA-01M) do not have the technical capabilities to perform such studies.

alpha-spectrometer, radiometer, radon, volume activity, equivalent activity, aerosol-unattached fraction of the radon decay progeny, effective radiation dose, absorbed radiation dose

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