The work of network operating systems based on the Linux kernel, their interaction in local computer networks, the field of educational and laboratory equipment, and the modernization of professional education in the field of information technology were studied. A training and laboratory stand has been developed and a set of laboratory works has been prepared
computer networks, educational and laboratory equipment, information technologies, network operating systems, administration of computer networks
1. Olifer V., Olifer N. Komp'yuternye seti. Principy, tehnologii, protokoly: uchebnik dlya vuzov. / 6-e izd. – SPb.: Piter, 2019. - 1054 s.
2. Kenin A.M., Kolesnichenko D.N. Samouchitel' sistemnogo administratora / 5-e izdanie pererabotano i dopolneno – SPb.: BHV – Peterburg, 2019. – 608 s.
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