Improving the efficiency of the technological process, as well as continuous quality control of products. Development of the control system and the emergency protection on the basis of electronic control and automation, operating independently of each other and meeting the requirements of legislation in the field of industrial safety.
quality control, process safety management, modernization of the control system.
1. Tehnologicheskiy reglament ustanovki 39/7 ceha 101 Proizvodstva masel AO «ANHK».
2. Obschie pravila vzryvobezopasnosti dlya vzryvopozharoopasnyh himicheskih, neftehimicheskih i neftepererabatyvayuschih proizvodstv [Elektronnyy resurs] : prikaz Rostehnadzora ob utverzhdenii Federal'nyh norm i pravil v oblasti promyshlennoy bezopasnosti ot 11 marta 2013 g. № 96. URL: