Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 61 Медицина. Охрана здоровья
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
BBK 566 Стоматология
Subject. The anatomical and functional characteristics of the patient’s dentition. The goal ― the study was aimed at examining the algorithm of complex orthopedic treatment when performing dentoprosthetic rehabilitation of patients with bilateral free-end edentulous spaces. Methodology. In the framework of this research, a rehabilitation system of patients with adentia was improved. Additionally, the algorithm of diagnostic and therapeutic measures, which should include the determination of individual anatomical and physiological characteristics, using condylography and cephalometry methods, was described. Results. The clinical research reviewed the bilateral free-end saddles as a case study. The paper revealed that, during the patient's examination, a myopathic or repositioning splint with its subsequent attaching to the articulator was the best measure to determine the central ratio of the jaws. For patients with bilateral free-end edentulous spaces, it was recommended to use methods for determining the parameters of the occlusal plane applying the rules for finding active and passive dental arches when teeth overlap in the back-to-front sequence. The discrepancy between the sizes of the upper and lower jaws was recommended to be corrected by performing reverse teeth overlap, in which the support tubercles were transferred to the buccal tubercles of the maxillar molars, and the laterotrusional movement was transferred to the lingual tubercle of the first molar of the lower jaw. Conclusions. When treating patients with bilateral free-end edentulous spaces, it is necessary to use methods for determining the occlusal plane based on the rules for finding active and passive dental arches in the process of teeth overlap in the back-to-front sequence. The reasons for the development of reverse overlap should be explored to examine the structural and functional compensation mechanisms that contribute to the development of this disease.
adentia, dental orthopedic rehabilitation, dentition, free-end edentulous space, temporomandibular joint, splint therapy, bite, joint, intraarticular relationship, dysfunction
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