Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
The transition to “smart manufacturing”, the formation of a new consumer ethics, the development of a network society, the entry into the generation Z market, the “era” of the silver economy and, finally, force majeure circumstances (the declared pandemic) are external factors that pose a serious challenge to HR management of companies. Changes are also taking place in the change of managerial paradigms – from classical management with a rigid hierarchy to partnership and cross – functional interaction.In the Vuca world, the transformation of HR management is taking place: from a transactional function to a business support function.Benchmarking is an excellent tool for studying experience and generating ideas in the field of HR technologies. Openness of companies – the presentation of their unique projects to a wide audience is a great opportunity for small companies to learn from experience and adapt HR solutions to their tasks. Project Overview of the «WOW! HR» is represented by 9 unique nominations: Action! Digital Solutions, HR Hero, Play Hard, Save, Work Place, Level Up, Make Team, Be Cool. The statistics of projects from 2016 to 2019 allows you to track trends in HR solutions, deeply study projects and use the ideas of experts to adapt in your company.
award «WOW! HR», company projects, nominations in HR solutions
1. Dyugaj E.E., Nagibina N.I. Novye i ustarevshie HR-tekhnologii v povyshenii effektivnosti upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami v kompanii [New and outdated HR-technologies in improving the efficiency of human resource management in a company]. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami: teoriya, praktika, perspektivy. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov nacional'noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Human Resource Management: theory, practice, prospects. Collection of scientific works of the national scientific and practical conference]. Novosibirsk, 2019, pp. 170-177.
2. Nagibina N.I, Mogil'nikova V.A. Upravlenie raznoobraziem chelovecheskih resursov kak faktor konkurentosposobnosti kompanii [Managing the diversity of human resources as a factor in the competitiveness of a company]. Upravlenie personalom i intellektual'nymi resursami v Rossii [Personnel and intellectual resources management in Russia]. 2019, V. 8, I. 4, pp. 66-73.
3. Osovickaya N. HR #digital #brend #analitika #marketing. – St. Petersburg: Piter Publ.. 2019. 400 p.
4. Available at:
5. Available at:
6. Oficial'nyj sajt premii «WOW! HR» [Official site of the award "WOW! HR"]. Available at:
7. Fridrik A-M. Kak global'nye trendy otrazhayutsya na HR- praktikah, servisah i instrumentah. SAP. ATOMEXPO. 14.05.2018 [How global trends affect HR practices, services and tools. SAP ATOMEXPO. 05/14/2018].
8. Chulok A. Global'nye trendy: pojmat' i osedlat'. Harvard Business Review. 22.01.2019 [Global trends: catch and saddle. Harvard Business Review. 01/22/2019]. Available at: (accessed 15 April 2020).
9. Bersin J. HR Technology Market 2019: Disruption Ahead [HR Technology Market 2019: Disruption Ahead]. Available at: (accessed 15 April 2020).
10. Ulrich D. Value Creation Through HR. HR and competitive advantage. Moscow. December 6, 2019.