Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work is to study the possibility of creating a cortical humus horizon from the surface of a salt marsh from siltysandy fractions of soil with seeds of wild plant species by arranging mechanical obstacles made of wooden material that protrudes 20 cm above the soil surface. The atmospheric processes under conditions of Kizlyar pastures. The research methodology included analyzes, counts and observations of humidity, the least moisture content (HB), enzymatic activity, chemistry and degree of salinity, the study of soil morphology, species composition of phytocenoses and accumulation of their mass on the transformed saline. For 8 years, created on the surface of a salt marsh, the cortical soil layer turns into the Wael eolian-accumulative humus horizon, 5 ± 0.8 cm thick. Solonchak cortical Ccc [AJk – AJ, s – VSA, s – Cca, s] is transformed into a solonchak restricted Scw [Wael – AJ, s – BCA, s – Cca, s]. The degree of soil salinity decreases from a very strong degree in a layer of 0–5 cm to a weak one, in a layer of 6–15 cm to a moderate degree. The yield of phytomass from the saltmaker of the regraded reaches 2.06 t/ha of air-dry mass, which contains 1.85 t/ha of carbon, which leads to an improvement in the ratio of effluents and CO2 emissions, a decrease in the greenhouse effect in nature and an increase in the utilization level of HEADLIGHTS, preventing excessive overheating of the soil and air masses of the atmosphere.

cortical solonchak, solonchak regraded, eolian-accumulative soil layer, humus, salt-forming ions, soil moisture, species composition of phytocenoses, productivity of phytocenoses

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