Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The first experience of remote training of Russian Railways specialists in rail inspection was considered. This modern form of training has proved to be quite effective for improving the qualifications of specialists who already have experience in work. Remote training of beginners is difficult because in a short period of time it is impossible to accommodate a significant amount of necessary knowledge. It is not possible to organize practical classes on setting up and working with flaws and rail samples with various defects. In conclusion, small reviews of the first students are given.
remote learning, rail testing, training
1. Markov A. A., Molotkov S. L., Mironov M. O. Povyshenie kvalifikacii kadrov kak chast' sistemnogo podhoda k uluchsheniyu kachestva kontrolya rel'sov. — V mire NK. 2016. T. 19. № 1. S. 78–80.
2. Markov A. A., Molotkov S. L., Maksimova E. A. Povyshenie kvalifikacii specialistov po rel'sovoy defektoskopii. — Kontrol'. Diagnostika. 2018. № 4. S. 30–36.
3. Markov A. A., Shpagin D. A. Ul'trazvukovaya defektoskopiya rel'sov. — SPb.: Obrazovanie – Kul'tura, 2008. – 283 s.
4. Markov A. A., Kuznecova E. A. Defektoskopiya rel'sov. Formirovanie i analiz signalov. Kn. 1. Osnovy. — SPb.: Kul'tInformPress, 2010. – 292 s; Kn.2. Rasshifrovka defektogramm. — SPb.: Ul'tra Print, 2014. – 332 s.
5. Saharova T. S., Pigareva L. V. Fil'my pomogayut uchit'sya. — Put' i putevoe hozyaystvo. 2017. № 11. S. 11–12.