student from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2020
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Background. The article is explored the problem of the influence of smokeless tobacco (snus) on clinical and laboratory indicators of oral fluid and the statement of oral mucosa of young people. Objective. To determine the dynamics of the chemical and physical parameters of oral fluid in 18-20 years old persons who use smokeless tobacco snus. Methodology. Clinical and laboratory examination of oral fluid is performed in 20 persons aged 18-20 years, who are divided into 2 groups, each group consist of 10 people: the study group which includes persons, who used only smokeless tobacco for more than 6 months, and the control group - persons who did not use tobacco in any form respectively. Chemical (pH, concentrations of thiocyanates (rhodonides), calcium, phosphorus; activity of alpha amylase), physical (viscosity), clinical (salivation rate, indices) parameters were used in both groups (three times before, during and after using smokeless tobacco). The results. It was found that persons who use snus have significant elevation in salivary thiocyanate level, especially during applying smokeless tobacco; increasing in viscosity, especially after tobacco use; rising of the alpha amylase activity after snus using; changes in pH before snus using were slightly acidic environment of oral fluid, during - alkaline, after - weakly alkaline. So, there are no reliable changes in the content of Ca|P in the studied saliva samples. Clinical study found some changes in the mucous membrane in the areas of application of snus (signs of leukoplakia, thickening and flattening of the frenules of the lips), low oral hygiene, the presence of cavities in the parietal areas of incisors of the lower jaw. Conclusions. The absorption of nicotine and other harmful products, which generated by the using of smokeless tobacco, in the systemic bloodstream leads to chronic system intoxication. «Snus» at the application points in the mouth leads to pathological changes: mucous membrane chronic trauma, periodontal disease and dental hard tissues. Due to local and systemic impact smokeless tobacco increases the risk of malignant tumors.
oral fluid, viscosity, thiocyanates, mucous membrane chronic trauma, smokeless tobacco, snus
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