Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Subject. The antagonistic activity of the Bacillus Subtilis 3H probiotic was studied on a vast amount of data, which makes it possible to rationalize its use in a periodontal practice. The aim of the paper is to substantiate the use of the Bacillus Subtilis 3H probiotic in periodontal practice by studying the antagonistic activity against periodontal-pathogenic microflora and yeast-like fungi of Candida species. Material and methods. The Bacillus Subtilis 3H probiotic sensitivity of reference (archival) strains, clinical isolates from patients with generalized chronic periodontitis associated with yeast-like Candida species fungi, as well as bacteria test cultures and clinical strains of periodontal pathogens, were studied using the deferred antagonism method (diffusion method, perpendicular streak technique). Results. The conducted study made it possible to establish sufficient antagonistic activity of Bacillus Subtilis 3H probiotic against reference strains, clinical isolates isolated from patients with chronic generalized periodontitis associated with yeast-like Candida species fungi, as well as bacteria test cultures and clinical strains of periodontal pathogens. Conclusions. The study findings allow us to recommend the Bacillus Subtilis 3H probiotic to be widely used in the complex treatment of generalized chronic periodontitis caused by periodontopathic microflora, as well as by yeast-like Candida species fungi.
generalized chronic periodontitis, yeast-like Candida species fungi, probiotics, Bacillus Subtilis bacteria, antagonistic activity, reference strains, clinical isolates
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