Kassel', Germany
“Complex numbers are something complicated”, as they are perceived in most cases. The expression “real numbers are also complex numbers” sounds strange as well. And for all that complex numbers are good for many areas of knowledge, since they allow solve problems, that are not solved in the field of real numbers. First and most important is that in the field of complex numbers all algebraic equations are solved, including the equation x2 + a = 0, which has long been a challenge to human thought. In the field of complex numbers, the problem solutions remain free from listing special cases in the form of "if ... then", for example, solving the problem for the intersection of the line g with the circle (O, r) always gives two points. And in the field of real numbers, three cases have to be distinguished: | Og |
imaginary, real, complex, interconnection, spherical belt, sphere, hyperboloid, conjugate, fragment, fractal
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