Hanoy, Vietnam
Hanoy, Vietnam
Ryazan', Russian Federation
GRNTI 10.83 Уголовно-исполнительное право. Пенитенциария
The article is devoted to the changes in the Law on the execution of criminal penalties of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2019. The main focus is on the regulation of criminal liability and the procedure for punishments execution in respect of commercial legal entities. The following issues are also analyzed: the right of a seriously ill convict to request a medical examination; additions to the category of separately held convicts at the expense of homosexuals, transsexuals and persons with uncertain gender; specification of the legal status of those sentenced to imprisonment (ensuring their safety, realization of their right to freedom of conscience and religion, to get a job in a penitentiary institution, apply for early release from serving a sentence, etc.). It is concluded that the changes in the Criminal and Penal legislation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2019 increase the effectiveness of criminal penalties execution.
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, execution of criminal penalties against legal entities, seriously ill convict, transsexual, legal status of convicts.
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