Minsk, Belarus
GRNTI 10.83 Уголовно-исполнительное право. Пенитенциария
The organization of a sentence execution of life imprisonment in the Republic of Belarus and life imprisonment in the Russian Federation are examined in the article. The legislation was analyzed, and the international experience of execution of these types of punishments was studied. The statistical data necessary for the analysis are provided. Proposals are made to improve the execution of a life sentence. Based on the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the sentence of life imprisonment has a large number of shortcomings that need to be solved. This makes it necessary to improve its execution or cancel this punishment. In order to increase the effectiveness of the considered punishment, the author suggests differentiating the approach to applying parole to prisoners sentenced to life prisoning: reduce the terms of possible release, provide for a gradual change in conditions (a system of social elevators), establish lifelong supervision of the behavior of convicts after release (in case of violation of the rules of supervision, the convict can be returned to a correctional institution for further serving a life sentence).
life imprisonment, crime prevention, death penalty, correction, parole
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