Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
As a result of immunohistochemical studies, markers of inflammation are determined (plasma cells-CD138+, natural killers-CD56+, CD16+, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes-CD8+, T-helper cells-CD4+, histocompatibility complex HLADR (II)+). They confirm the presence of inflammation and changes in local immunity. Post-infectious imbalance of the immune system causes autoimmune aggression to implantation of the fetal egg after embryotransfer into the uterine cavity in fresh and cryoprotocols during assisted reproductive technologies. 107 infertile women with a history of several unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization were treated. They have chronic endometritis with autoimmune disorders using immunohistochemical research. Classical drug therapy was performed, without the use of antibiotics. In order to improve the quality of medical treatment, the therapy package includes local effects on the endometrium by introducing the immunomodulator "Gepon"into the uterine cavity. The women were divided into two groups: in group I (n=55), patients were administered intra —  cavity injection of the drug "Gepon"into the uterus. In group II (n=50), this drug was not used. At the end of therapy, an immunohistochemical study was monitored. In the treatment of chronic endometritis with autoimmune disorders, positive dynamics was observed in group I women (I-93.1%; II-67.3%; p<0.05). There was a balance of immunocompetent cells, increased sensitivity of endometrial receptors to hormonal regulation. The endometrial thickness was restored in accordance with the stage and phase of the menstrual cycle. When analyzing the expression of endometrial cell markers CD16+, CD56+ and HLA-DR (II)+ —  in all patients of the control group, no changes were observed, and plasma cells were absent. The obtained results indicate that the use of the complex therapy of chronic endometritis with autoimmune disorders-the local effect of the immunomodulator "Gepon", which accelerates the restoration of the balance of mmunocompetent cells, blocking autoimmune aggression in the endometrium.

autoimmune disorders, chronic endometritis, immunocompetent cells, post-infectious imbalance, local immunity, autoimmune aggression, immunomodulator "Gepon", embryotransfer

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