Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main requirements for hydraulic equipment of forest transport machines of manipulator type are revealed. It is established that the main drawback of the used hydraulic drives of manipulators is their increased power and high energy consumption. The main ways of increasing the technical level of hydraulic manipulators of forest transport vehicles are considered. The constructive optimization and improvement of the hydraulic drive mechanism for lifting the boom and turning the column of the manipulator is justified. New designs with the use of hydro-mechanical dampers and energy-saving devices are proposed. As energy-saving devices, it is proposed to use a hydraulic accumulator. The main advantages of the design, which are to increase the reliability and expand the technological capabilities of hydraulic manipulators forest transport machines. The principles of influence on the hydraulic system that reduce the pressure in the piston group and reduce energy consumption are substantiated. The proposed energy-saving hydraulic drive reduces the maximum pressure during braking to 3 MPa. The recovery energy when the column is rotated is 25 % of the energy consumed. The diameter of the dampener's lockable cavities should be 48 mm with the internal diameter of the dampener 65 mm. Minimal changes in the design are achieved to increase the technical level of the hydraulic drive of manipulators of forest transport machines and its competitiveness among existing analogues.

hydraulic manipulator, damper, hydraulic actuator, boom, rotary column


В лесном производстве машины манипуляторного типа пользуются наибольшим спросом. К данным машинам предъявляются достаточно жесткие требования: по вылету гидроманипулятора, грузовому моменту, конечному углу поворота и моменту поворота колонны, максимальной высоте подъема груза, производительности [3, 5]. В зависимости от осваиваемой территории вводятся ограничения для машин манипуляторного типа по удельному давлению на грунт в целях сохранения подроста [4, 9].


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