Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to analyze the communicative aspect in the experience of reporting about an error to patients in dental practice. Materials and methods. Method is a single semi-structured interview with 32 dentists; qualitative deductive content analysis of the content of recorded interviews for encoding and categorizing text units using the OpenCode 4.02 program. Results. It was found that 60% of respondents admitted that they made errors in their practice, out of which only 22% of doctors reported this to the patient based on their own ideas of how it should happen. The ratio of communicative action of doctors when they inform patients about an error to two-step plan of their disclosure showed that they do not meet the recommendations of the first phase which required to cope with the negative emotions and analyze the cause of the error, but actually completely relate to the second phase where you need to create a comfortable subject-spatial environment, an atmosphere of trust, to show empathy towards the patient and to apologize. Conclusion. Effective communication between the doctor and the patient in a situation of medical errors possible through targeted acquisition of future physicians and residents the basics of communication theory about managing privacy and methods of a two-step management plan to disclosure errors.

experience, medical error, dentist, patient, communication, communication skills

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