, Russian Federation
The article presents the analysis of the research literature on biology, ecology, artificial and natural reproduction, behavior, nutrition and taxonomic status of ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828) over the period 1877-2020. There are given the private data obtained during interviews with fishermen, which was published earlier. The approaches to ship artificial reproduction have been analyzed; the corresponding data from the Russian research literature and from the foreign sources are presented.Ship sturgeon is one of the most vulnerable and small in number sturgeon species in the world, the individuals of which are still found in the Balkhash-Ili basin (Kazakhstan-China) due to its invasion in 1933-1934. It should be mentioned that this is the only example of successful acclimatization of sturgeon. Ship sturgeons have the following ecological and biological characteristics: prolonged living in the mountain rivers with downstream migration into the delta and the sea coast; high rates of fertility coupled with high mortality rates in early ontogeny; a diverse diet depending on the habitat. Artificial reproduction of ship sturgeon was started in 1941 in Azerbaijani SSR. Unfortunately, the species did not receive a proper attention because of its scarcity in the natural habitat, which resulted in their complete disappearance. Today the conservation of ship species requires taking the urgent measures: forming ship broodstock, introducing it into aquaculture, clarification of reproductive biotechnology, studying the peculiarities of ship growth and maturation in the fish farms.
sturgeon, ship sturgeon, maturity, nutrition, broodstock, population, artificial reproduction, Acipenser nudiventris
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