Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
the main drawback of circular sawing machines is the presence of broken teeth in the cut. In case of vibrations, violation of the saw plane, mismatch of the feed direction with the saw planes, and rebasing, these teeth spoil the processing surface. Belt sawing allows you to ensure high quality of lumber on the roughness of their surface at high feed rates; increase productivity by 1.5-2 times due to mechanization and automation of technological operations. One of the most important advantages of band saws is the small width of the cut, which is 1.5-2 times smaller than that of the sawmill; the small thickness of the saw ensures low consumption of wood in sawdust and high volume output of lumber. Sawing wood on band saws, in the vast majority of cases, is characterized by face cutting. Of the 3 forms of chip formation when cutting into the end, for band saws, the most characteristic is the formation of the chip element by chipping it with the stratification of wood along the bottom of the cut. The quality of the surface, in terms of its roughness, in addition to the formation of the chip element, is affected by its location in the interdental space, the presence and degree of compression and transportation of the chip element. The quality of the surface, in terms of its roughness, in addition to the formation of the chip element, is affected by its location in the interdental space, the presence and degree of compression and transportation of the chip element. As a result of studies of the initial conditions for the development of the teeth sharpening scheme, the orientation of the active elements of the blade relative to the middle plane of the saw can be identified as the main ones.
sawmilling, band saw, chip formation, surface quality, preparation of cutting tools.
До начало преобразования государственной плановой экономики в рыночное хозяйство в отечественной лесной отрасли использовалось до 10 тыс. двухэтажных и до 90 тыс. одноэтажных лесопильных рам. Современные быстроходные лесопильные рамы обеспечивают более 80 % пилопродукции в стране. Аналогичное положение и в ряде ведущих стран с развитой лесопильной промышленностью, перерабатывающей сырьё диаметром до
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