Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to assess the state of research potential of the Tyumen region in the conditions of digitalization of the regional economy. Methods: on the basis of comparative analysis and graphical interpretation of data, modern regional trends in the state and development of intellectual potential are identified. Results: during the analyzed period, the scientific sector of the regional economy showed trends in increasing the level of activation, as a result of stimulating the growth of the effectiveness of research institutions on the part of local authorities. Conclusions: the current state of the regional research sector, the intensity and direction of its development, as well as the effectiveness of the functioning of scientific organizations correspond to the level and specialization of the Tyumen region; and for the long-term maintenance of digital transformation, it is necessary to properly support the implementation of the digitalization policy in an unstable economic environment.

intellectual potential of the region, digital economy, digital transformation, Tyumen region, scientific developments

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