Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The modeling of the thermal stress state of the foundation slab of the building of a general educational institution is considered. The performed calculations took into account the occurrence of stresses as a result of heating of the concrete mass during cement hydration. To simulate the thermal stress state, the specialized Midas Fea software package is used. At control points, diagrams of changes in temperatures, stresses, and crack formation coefficients depending on the periods of curing are obtained. The isopoles of temperature distribution and crack formation coefficients over the volume of the studied array were obtained. Measures have been developed to improve the operational properties of concrete, including engineering and technical recommendations to reduce the negative impact of temperature differences on the manufacturing process of concrete mixtures and foundations.
Modeling, concrete foundation, thermal stress state, cement hydration, temperature variation diagrams, crack formation coefficients, measures.
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