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Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the essence of the concepts of "intelligence", "abilities", "intellectual abilities", "intellectual operations" from psychological and pedagogical positions. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research and practical experience, the effectiveness of the widespread use of design tasks in the educational process of primary school is proved, which stimulates the successful formation of intellectual operations in children of primary school age and the development of intellectual abilities. The peculiarities of conducting classes in which junior schoolchildren solve project problems are characterized. As an example, a description of a lesson on the implementation by fourth grade students of the final annual work aimed at implementing the previously mastered skills to solve design problems is given. In turn, this ensures the readiness of schoolchildren in the future to think and act not according to a template both in a non-standard educational situation and in a problematic life situation.

younger schoolchildren; intelligence; intellectual development; intellectual abilities; intelligent operations; design tasks; organization of educational activities using project tasks

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