Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To find the distinctive features of the white matter tracts’ structural changes for Chernobyl accident liquidators with ebcephalopathy at the remote period using DT-MRI methods. Material and methods: Chernobyl accident liquidators group (41 subjects) and group of control (49 subjects), all subjects with stage II of encephalopathy, mean age of liquidators’ group 68.3 ± 6.9 years, gropup of control — 68.6 ± 5.8 years. All subjects were clinically examined to confirm encephalopathy stage, hypertension, diabetes (and prove patients of both groups have comparable level of damage of those deseases), as well as with routine MRI and DT-MRI protocols. According routine MRI results, all subjects of both groups had high level of discirculatory damages: multifocal lesions of white matter and periventricular leukoaraiosis, mixed replacement hydrocephalus. Results: Liquidator’s group average fraction anisotropy coefficient (CFA) had shown statistically significant reduction in four frontal and temporal lobe tracts of neocortex if compare with average CFA in the group of control: superior longitudinal fasciculi (р < 0.02); front sections of corona radiata (р < 0.02); anterior horn of internal capsule (р < 0.01), inferior longitudinal fasciculi (р < 0.01). Conclusion: Frontal and temporal lobe tracts of neocortex, responsible for cognitive processes, are the most sensible to accident liquidation negative factors. Cerebral structure changes, found for group of liquidators, are similar to elder people with encephalopathy, but are clnically more strongly marked, what proves hyoptesis of early aging of liquidators’ brain structures.

nuclear accidents, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl accident liquidator, diffusion-tensor MRI (DT‑MRI), fraction anysotropy (FA), cognitive disorders, discirculatory encephalopathy

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