Currently, in accordance with the processes of globalization and global economic and environmental trends, the Russian government is focusing economic entities on the innovative development of the Russian economy. For the timber industry of the Russian Federation, which ranks first in the world in terms of timber reserves, a transition to innovative development is inevitable. This transition is due to the resource potential of the industry, global environmental trends of the "green economy", the prevailing market relations between the economic entities of the industry, the presence of a bank of scientific and technical and experimental development in the field of timber industry. The analysis of Russia's share in the global forestry market is carried out: the Russian Federation is the world leader in timber reserves, it has 1/5 of the world's forest reserves and, therefore, takes first place; Brazil ranks second in timber reserves, Canada is third and the United States is fourth. The structure of Russia's exports by product groups is examined: the country's most profitable budget item is the export of fuel and energy products, accounting for 64% of the total export structure, and only 3% of the export structure is the export of timber and paper products. Given the development trends of world oil markets and the geopolitical tensions of countries, it can be assumed that in the next 5 years, the total revenue of the Russian Federation from the export of fuel and energy products will significantly decrease and will cease to be the most profitable budget item in the country. Due to the fact that the Russian Federation is a world leader in timber reserves, we believe that the innovative development of the timber industry should be one of the leading areas in the industry development strategy of the Russian Federation, and accordingly in the export strategy of the Russian Federation. The main directions of the innovative development of the timber industry of the Russian Federation in the following sectors are identified: forestry, woodworking industry, pulp and paper industry, chemical production, logging, wooden housing construction.
timber industry complex, innovative development, innovations, forest industry.
Рассматривая структуру экспорта России за 2018 год, становится ясно, что на текущий момент экономика России является слишком зависимой от объемов добычи и продажи нефти и газа. Однако, учитывая тенденции развития мировых нефтяных рынков и геополитическую напряженность стран, можно предположить, что в ближайшие 5 лет, совокупный объем доходов Российской Федерации от экспорта топливно-энергетических товаров значительно снизится и перестанет быть самой прибыльной статьей бюджета страны. В связи с данными тенденциями, необходимо иметь разные стратегии дальнейшего развития экспортной деятельности страны. Учитывая тот факт, что Российская Федерация является мировым лидером по запасам древесины и располагает 1/5 мировых лесных запасов, считаем, что инновационное развитие лесопромышленного комплекса должно быть одним из ведущих направлений в стратегии отраслевого развития РФ, и соответственно в экспортной стратегии РФ.
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