The article provides the dynamics and structure comparative analysis of the wheat resources formation and their usage in Russia, USA, EU countries. The study was based on an assessment of the grain resources balance, which reflect the movement of products from the moment of production to the moment of its final use. The main trends in the development of the grain sector in the Russian Federation, the USA and the EU countries are revealed. The change in the structure of the grain resources formation from 2000 to 2020, as well as their use is shown. The EU countries and the USA are characterized by a balanced grain food chain. In the structure of US wheat resources usage, domestic consumption, including consumption for livestock and poultry feed, processing for flour, cereals, compound feed and other purposes, occupies about 40%, in EU countries - up to 80% of resources. In the Russian Federation since 2000, a decrease in domestic consumption of wheat has been revealed for all structural components. During the study period, there has been a significant increase in Russian wheat exports. Its share in the resources of the Russian Federation increased from 1.8% in 2000/01 marketing year to 39.3% in 2020/21 marketing year. As a result of the study, the necessity of forming a balanced grain product chain in Russia, the development of domestic demand and consumption has been substantiated.
food security, food balances, wheat, domestic consumption, production, export, import
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