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Abstract (English):
The analysis of relaxation processes in water activated by thermal or ultraviolet radiation has been carried out. The activation of the mixing water leads to an earlier hardening of the cement. At the same time, activated water loses its properties with a relaxation time, which is equal to the activity time of melt water, which is explained by the common reasons for the origin of the increased reaction properties of activated water and melt water. These properties are due to the fact that activation increases the content of free water molecules. In the normal state, some of the water molecules enter the voids of fractal-clathrate structures. During thermal or radiation activation processes, characterized by certain relaxation times, these structures are destroyed, and free water molecules are released. But after the termination of activation, relaxation processes take place to restore thermodynamically equilibrium fractal-clathrate structures, and part of the free water is again captured by these structures. Therefore, the reactivity of water after the termination of activation decreases.

ultraviolet irradiation, fractal-clathrate structure, free water, concrete strength
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